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Subelement H

Maritime Safety Information (M.S.I.):

Section 53


The NAVTEX message header contains the following?

  • Correct Answer
    The first letter (from A to Z) indicates the NAVTEX transmitting station.
  • A two-digit number (01-99) indicates the NAVTEX message category.
  • Message numbers include a date/time group, along with the transmitting station's numerical ID.
  • None of these answers is correct.

The NAVTEX message header contains the following?

(A). The first letter (from A to Z) indicates the NAVTEX transmitting station.

For more info, please see Wikipedia's article on NAVTEX

For good overview, see Marine Insight article on NAVTEX On Ships: Working, Types Of Messages And Advantages

For great overview of NAVTEX, please see MySea Time site article on 20 Navtex Question (and answers) to Make Naxtex Your Friend For Life

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If the Inmarsat-C terminal is inoperative but the vessel remains within NAVTEX coverage -- which of the following message categories should not be disabled by the GMDSS Radio Operator?

  • Navigational warnings, meteorological warnings and metrological forecasts.
  • Correct Answer
    Meteorological warnings, Search and Rescue information and Navigational warnings.
  • Search and Rescue information, navigational warnings and other electronic navaid messages.
  • Search and Rescue information, Meteorological warnings and ice reports.

If the Inmarsat-C terminal is inoperative but the vessel remains within NAVTEX coverage -- which of the following message categories should NOT be disabled by the GMDSS Radio Operator?

(B). Meteorological warnings, Search and Rescue information and Navigational warnings.

Each wrong answer has one element that is wrong:

A. meteorological forecasts.
C. other electronic navaid messages.
D. ice reports.

For radio navigation warnings, please see Admiralty Maritime Data Solutions site for Radio Navigation Warnings - All warnings and click "+" sign for examples of messages.

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How are NAVTEX broadcasts transmitted?

  • NAVTEX is transmitted by commercial coast radio stations following their traffic lists.
  • NAVTEX is transmitted only when an Urgency or Distress broadcast is warranted.
  • Correct Answer
    Using FEC techniques.
  • No more often than every two hours and should immediately follow the radiotelephone silent periods.

How are NAVTEX broadcasts transmitted?

(C). Using FEC techniques.

The FEC, or forward error correction, mode of broadcasting adds additional data to allow receiver to identify and correct errors without requesting the transmission again. The FEC mode is also called the channel coding mode.

By using FEC, NAVTEX can receive data and provide information even when there is a radio noise or interference.

For more details, please see Wikipedia's article on Forward error correction

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What determines whether a NAVTEX receiver prints a particular type of message content from a programmed NAVTEX station?

  • The serial number and type of message have already been received but additional printouts are generated to ensure receipt aboard the vessel.
  • The subject indicator has been programmed for rejection by the operator but the message contains a priority override print command.
  • The transmitting station ID covering your area has been programmed for rejection by the operator or has not been previously received.
  • Correct Answer
    The serial number and type of message has not been previously received or the subject indicator has not been programmed for rejection.

What determines whether a NAVTEX receiver prints a particular type of message content from a programmed NAVTEX station?

(D). The serial number and type of message has not been previously received or the subject indicator has not been programmed for rejection.

Wrong parts of the wrong answers:

A. (ALL WRONG) The serial number and type of message have already been received but additional printouts are generated to ensure receipt aboard the vessel.

B. but the message contains a priority override print command.

C. (ALL WRONG) The transmitting station ID covering your area has been programmed for rejection by the operator or has not been previously received.

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Which information determines if a NAVTEX message is to be rejected?

  • Correct Answer
    The second letter (from A to Z) in the header indicating the type of message.
  • Transmitter identity (numerals from 1 to 26 identifying transmitting station within the NAVAREA).
  • The Answerback of the receiving station has not been entered in the NAVTEX receiver.
  • Only messages having a serial number 00 are rejected.

Which information determines if a NAVTEX message is to be rejected?

(A). The second letter (from A to Z) in the header indicating the type of message.

For more information, please see Marine Insight article on NAVTEX On Ships: Working, Types Of Messages And Advantages

For review of NAVTEX operations manuals, please see:

NSR Marine User Manual in pdf format

FCC id GMDSS Tri-Channel NAVTEX receiver user manual NAV-7 NAVTEX Receiver User Manual 35-821N Iss1 NAV-7 Orolia

FCC id AE1800 Dual Frequency Navtex Receiver User Manual AE-1800 REF Manual-Draft Morcom

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NAVTEX broadcasts are sent:

  • Immediately following traffic lists.
  • Correct Answer
    In categories of messages indicated by a single letter or identifier.
  • On request of maritime mobile stations.
  • Regularly, after the radiotelephone silent periods.

NAVTEX broadcasts are sent:

(B). In categories of messages indicated by a single letter or identifier.

For more info, please see Wikipedia's article on NAVTEX

For good overview, see Marine Insight article on NAVTEX On Ships: Working, Types Of Messages And Advantages

For great overview of NAVTEX, please see MySea Time site article on 20 Navtex Question (and answers) to Make Naxtex Your Friend For Life

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