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Subelement ZLC

An Amateur Radio Station

Section ZLC15

HF Station Arrangement

In the block diagram shown, the "linear amplifier" is

  • an amplifier to remove distortion in signals from the transceiver
  • Correct Answer
    an optional amplifier to be switched in when higher power is required
  • an amplifier with all components arranged in-line
  • a push-pull amplifier to cancel second harmonic distortion

The Linear Amplifier - This is switched in to provide a stronger transmitted signal at times of difficult conditions. Not an essential item and not all radio amateurs use them or find them to be necessary. It provides an amplified version of the signal fed into its input. The term "linear" means that the output signal is a replica of the waveform of the signal fed into its input - except that the amplitude of it is greater.

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In the block diagram shown, the additional signal path above the "linear amplifier" block indicates that

  • some power is passed around the linear amplifier for stability
  • "feed-forward" correction is being used to increase linearity
  • the linear amplifier input and output terminals may be short-circuited
  • Correct Answer
    the linear amplifier may be optionally switched out of circuit to reduce output power
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In the block diagram shown, the "low pass filter" must be rated to

  • Correct Answer
    carry the full power output from the station
  • filter out higher-frequency modulation components for maximum intelligibility
  • filter out high-amplitude sideband components
  • emphasise low-speed Morse code output
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In the block diagram shown, the "SWR bridge" is a

  • switched wave rectifier for monitoring power output
  • static wave reducer to minimize static electricity from the antenna
  • Correct Answer
    device to monitor the standing-wave-ratio on the antenna feedline
  • short wave rectifier to protect against lightning strikes
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In the block diagram shown, the "antenna switch"

  • Correct Answer
    switches the transmitter output to the dummy load for tune-up purposes
  • switches the antenna from transmit to receive
  • switches the frequency of the antenna for operation on different bands
  • switches surplus output power from the antenna to the dummy load to avoid distortion.
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In the block diagram shown, the "antenna tuner"

  • adjusts the resonant frequency of the antenna to minimize harmonic radiation
  • adjusts the resonant frequency of the antenna to maximise power output
  • changes the standing-wave-ratio on the transmission line to the antenna
  • Correct Answer
    adjusts the impedance of the antenna system seen at the transceiver output
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In the block diagram shown, the "dummy load" is

  • Correct Answer
    used to allow adjustment of the transmitter without causing interference to others
  • a load used to absorb surplus power which is rejected by the antenna system
  • used to absorb high-voltage impulses caused by lightning strikes to the antenna
  • an additional load used to compensate for a badly-tuned antenna system
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In the block diagram shown, the connection between the SWR bridge and the antenna switch is normally a

  • twisted pair cable
  • Correct Answer
    coaxial cable
  • quarter-wave matching section
  • short length of balanced ladder-line
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In this block diagram, the block designated "antenna tuner" is not normally necessary when

  • Correct Answer
    the antenna input impedance is 50 ohms
  • a half wave antenna is used, fed at one end
  • the antenna is very long compared to a wavelength
  • the antenna is very short compared to a wavelength
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In the block diagram shown, the connection between the "antenna tuner" and the "antenna" could be made with

  • three-wire mains power cable
  • heavy hook-up wire
  • Correct Answer
    50 ohm coaxial cable
  • an iron-cored transformer
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