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Subelement E

Survival Craft Equip & S.A.R.:

Section 34

On Scene Communications:

The "On Scene Coordinator" may be which of the following?

  • The vessel in Distress will always be the "On Scene Coordinator" for itself.
  • The first search vessel to arrive on the scene is always designated as the OSC.
  • Only shore authorities, Coast Station or RCC's can be the "On Scene Coordinator."
  • Correct Answer
    Any involved vessel so designated by the Search and Rescue Mission Coordinator.
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Which of the following channels is designated as the VHF follow-on communications channel and is required in all portable survival craft equipment?

  • Correct Answer
  • Ch-6
  • Ch-13
  • Ch-70
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The determination that the Distress traffic is over is usually made by whom?

  • The vessel in Distress.
  • Correct Answer
    The "On Scene Coordinator" and/or the RCC controlling the Distress traffic.
  • The first Coast Station to receive the DSC Distress alert.
  • Other vessels after nothing has been heard for some time.
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On Scene communications are usually initiated using what equipment?

  • EPIRB on 121.5 MHz
  • SART on 9 GHz
  • Correct Answer
    VHF on Ch-16
  • VHF on Ch-70
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On Scene communications should be conducted on which of the following channels?

  • 406 MHz
  • VHF Ch-22A
  • Correct Answer
    VHF Ch-16/06
  • VHF Ch-70
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Passenger vessel "On Scene" communications should be conducted with aircraft on which of the following channels or frequencies?

  • 9 GHz
  • VHF Ch-13
  • VHF Ch-26
  • Correct Answer
    VHF 121.5 MHz
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