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Subelement D


Section 32


Given the combined DC input voltages, what would the output voltage be in the circuit shown in Figure 3D7?

  • 150 mV
  • 5.5 V
  • -15 mv
  • Correct Answer
    -5.5 V

Given the combined DC input voltages, what would the output voltage be in the circuit shown in Figure 3D7?

-5.5 V

Mnemonic: The only reasonable choice as negative.

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Which lamps would be lit in the circuit shown in Figure 3D8?

  • 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
  • 5, 6, 8 and 9.
  • Correct Answer
    2, 3, 4, 7 and 8.
  • 1, 3, 5, 7 and 8.

Which lamps would be lit in the circuit shown in Figure 3D8?

2, 3, 4, 7 and 8.

If you follow the current, the only choice that is not blocked.

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What will occur if an amplifier input signal coupling capacitor fails open?

  • Correct Answer
    No amplification will occur, with DC within the circuit measuring normal.
  • Improper biasing will occur within the amplifier stage.
  • Oscillation and thermal runaway may occur.
  • An AC hum will appear on the circuit output.

What will occur if an amplifier input signal coupling capacitor fails open?

No amplification will occur, with DC within the circuit measuring normal.

See All About Circuits site for the article Input and Output Coupling.

Also, see Electronics Tutorials site for the article Input Impedance of an Amplifier.

And, see AnalogDialogue site for the article If All Else Fails, Read This Article. Avoid Common Problems When Designing Amplifier Circuits

For info on Coupling Capacitor at a deeper level, please see ScienceDirect site for the article Coupling Capacitor

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In Figure 3D9, determine if there is a problem with this regulated power supply and identify the problem.

  • R1 value is too low which would cause excessive base current and instantly destroy TR 1.
  • D1 and D2 are reversed. The power supply simply would not function.
  • TR1 is shown as an NPN and must be changed to a PNP.
  • Correct Answer
    There is no problem with the circuit.

In Figure 3D9, determine if there is a problem with this regulated power supply and identify the problem.

There is no problem with the circuit

All wrong choices make no sense.

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In Figure 3D10 with a square wave input what would be the output?

  • 1
  • 2
  • Correct Answer
  • 4

In Figure 3D10 with a square wave input what would be the output?


See Electronics Tutorials site for the article on AC Waveform and AC Circuit Theory

Also, Learn About Electronics site for article 1.1 A.C. Waves

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With a pure AC signal input to the circuit shown in Figure 3D11, what output wave form would you expect to see on an oscilloscope display?

  • 1
  • Correct Answer
  • 3
  • 4

With a pure AC signal input to the circuit shown in Figure 3D11, what output waveform would you expect to see on an oscilloscope display?


Normally, it would have been the sine wave, but with the resistor and the diode, it resembles more half square and the negative half the sine wave.

See Electronics Tutorials site for the article on AC Waveform and AC Circuit Theory

Also, Learn About Electronics site for article 1.1 A.C. Waves

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