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Mike and Key ARC VE Team Online Exam Session

Apr 05, 2025 (Sat)
10:00-12:00pm PDT
Test Fee:
Remote session - see session notes
American Radio Relay League (ARRL-VEC)
Slots available:
0 / 4 slots claimed
Notes from the team:

Mike and Key Amateur Radio Club Examination Team Video Supervised Exams

Each online exam team has their own policies and procedures, make sure you have Read and understand the requirements for taking an online exam from us. For example, we will allow multiple exam elements if you tell us ahead of time so we can schedule your slot properly. After you have registered, send an email to ag7t@arrl.net requesting the multiple exams you want to take at a particular session.

After you register for one of our sessions, you will receive an email from PayPal in a day or so requesting payment. IF YOU DON'T SEE THIS EMAIL WITHIN 2 DAYS OF REGISTERING, CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER. We respond 100% to all registrations but some people seem to not be seeing these emails.

You MUST PAY THE FEE within 24 hours of receipt of that email or you will be de-registered to make room for someone else.

Multiple Registrations not Allowed

Please do not register for multiple exam sessions (with ours or other VE teams) with the intention of missing later sessions once you pass at an earlier session: By doing so you are denying other candidates the opportunity to register and generating extra work and lost time for the VEs. We are all volunteering our time to get you licensed.

This Exam in ONLINE Only

You will be assigned to a 30-minute slot starting somewhere between 10:00AM and 12:00 PM Pacific time. Actual times may vary depending on prior candidates' progress, so plan accordingly. We may "seat" you up to 15 minutes early or quite a bit later. You'll need to hang out in a Zoom waiting room during this time.

Exam Fee Payment

After registering here you will receive a separate email (generally within a day) that is a PayPal Invoice. Do not send payment except through the link in the invoice. The $15 exam fee must be paid by a PayPal acceptable way.

Privacy Information

Information about how your FCC license information is made publicly available.

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