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HRV Testing at SecKC

Oct 08, 2024 (Tue)
6:30-8:00pm CDT
Test Fee:
25600 W Valley Pkwy Olathe, KS 66061
view map
Laurel Amateur Radio Club, Inc
Slots available:
0 / 7 slots claimed
Notes from the team:

WARNING: Do Not Expect Quiet

This is not your typical amateur radio exam venue. It is held at a bar during a loud event. The exams will be held in a slightly quieter area of the brewery. It is still VERY loud. Think crowded bar with music or someone yelling in to a microphone, because that's what it is. There may be others in the testing area having conversations during the SecKC presenstations as this is an area designated for people to go and talk during presentations. This is not a library. If you need a quiet enviroment please condsider bringing ear plugs or attending another session. Unfortunatelly, this is a limitation of this venue.

We cannot stress this enough, so once again: It will be loud and there will be distractions!

About The SecKC Event

This test session is held in conjunction with the monthly SecKC information security meet up. The SecKC event is open to everyone and starts at 6pm. We are having the sesssion a little after the start to give people time to socialize and have some free pizza. A signup for the SecKC event will be sent out to everyone registered for this session to help with the headcount for pizza.

SecKC Meetings Are Unrated

SecKC meetings are considered an event for adults. Participants should assume that the language will be foul and the jokes may be crude.

Exam Day

Please remember to bring photo ID to the exam.

We will remind you the day of the exam of the rules, but I’d like to set them out here so there are no surprises.

  1. Applicants must follow the instructions of the VEs. Failure to comply will result in the offending applicant having their exam terminated without further action. [§97.509(c)]

  2. Applicants may not have in their possession any electronic devices while taking an exam, with the exception of calculators (see #3 below).

    • Applicants must turn off their electronic devices and they may not be visible to the applicant during the exam. Failure to comply will disqualify the applicant from further participation in the examination session.
    • Cell phones may not be used as calculators and must be turned off while exams are being administered.
    • Smart watches and Google Glass/Glasses may not be brought to the examination area (e.g., the tables, stations, etc., where the applicant will sit to take the exam).
  3. Applicants who bring calculators must have them checked by a VE to ensure nothing is programmed or stored in the memory, or must demonstrate to a VE that nothing is programmed or stored in memory.

  4. Applicants shall place their applicant pin and test id at the top of the exam page. Applicant pin is provided by the Hamstudy.org registration. If an applicant does not have this information with them, the VE team can help locate the information. Bubbles on the exam answer sheet shall be filled in completely.

  5. Applicants must write their name on any scratch/note paper used. This is not necessary if they use the back of the answer sheet.

  6. If any applicant leaves the examination area for any reason (e.g. bathroom break, smoke break, etc.) before completing their exam, the applicant’s exam will be immediately graded and the applicant will be informed of the result.

  7. The HRV VE Team will allow applicants to retest as time allows at the VE team’s discretion.

  8. The SecKC Code of Conduct must be followed at all times.

If you have any questions, or if something comes up after you've signed up and you cannot make the exam, please let us know. You can contact Reid Crowe, reid.crowe@gmail.com