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LARC Test Session

Sep 03, 2024 (Tue)
6:30-7:30pm EDT
LARC: Alvin May
Test Fee:
210 S Main St, North Syracuse, NY 13212, USA
view map
American Radio Relay League (ARRL-VEC)
Slots available:
no limit set
Notes from the team:

The exam location is 210 South Main St. in the North Syracuse Education Association building (corner of Palmer Dr. & RT 11(Main St.)), beginning at 6:30pm. You must have an FRN (Federal Registration Number). It's a ten digit number. If you don't have one, you can register with the FCC's ULS (Universal Licensing System) at, https://www.fcc.gov/wireless/universal-licensing-system?job=home You will use your FRN not your SSN (Social Security Number) on all forms. My cell number is 315-264-5306. My cell phone will only be on during the test session. Please DO NOT text me. If you're going to be late, please call me or let me know ahead of time. Calculators are allowed but no cell/internet capable devices. Face covering is optional. No Smoking. No food except for medical reasons). Bottled water is okay. Restrooms are available. Bring two forms of ID (one with a picture and another with your name and address on it), a black pen, two #2 pencils(sharpened), $15(cash, no checks or credit cards), your FRN number and a copy of your license if you have one. Stay seated at all times. If you need assistance, raise your hand. DO NOT mark or write on the test question booklet! Answer ALL questions! Use the back of the answer sheet for scratch paper. When you finish your exam, raise your hand, we will collect your paperwork, grade it, and let you know your results. There is no time limit while taking the exam. If you pass DO NOT leave without your CSCE certificate. Also, if you feel you’re prepared for the next element, you can take it at no charge. It’s usually more difficult than the one you just took. If you fail, you can re-take the exam, with different questions, for another $15. All new Technicians will be given a “New Ham Information Packet”, to help you get started and should answer most your questions after you leave. Ask for it if we forget. For new Technicians, the FCC now charges $35 to obtain your license. For upgrades which expire >90 days, there is no fee. This fee will not be collected the day of the exam. The FCC will contact you via email with instructions on how to pay.