IN-PERSON Exam Session - Allegan County Amateur Radio Club
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UPDATED LOCATION FOR THIS SESSION ONLY: Plainwell Public Safety Building, Training Room.
~~Testing will take place in the Martin Township Community Building. Enter the building using the main entrance located on the North side of building. ~~
Ending time varies based on involvement; could go longer or shorter.
Pre-registration is encouraged but not required. Walk-ins welcome.
Bring the following to the exam session:
- A legal photo ID
- If going for a New license, you will need a Federal Registration Number (FRN) during registration. If you register at the test session as a walk-in, you will need to bring your FRN with you. You can register for an FRN BY CLICKING HERE. Click on “Register” and follow the instructions.
PLEASE NOTE: If you have ever had an FRN number registered with another license held with the FCC (eg. GMRS) then you will use that FRN for this test as well. You should only have 1 FRN registered with the FCC for all your licenses.
- If Upgrading your license, bring proof of your license. If using a CSCE for credit, bring the original and a copy for our records.
- A non-programmable calculator (if desired)
- $15 cash test fee (exact amount please, change may not be available)
- Visit WEBSITE for more detailed information.
When filling out the registration, please fill it in completely, phone number and middle initial are important, as is your e-mail address. If you are upgrading your license, you must register with the name as it appears on your current license.
As of April 19, 2022, the FCC has imposed a $35 application fee for any applications that would result with you obtaining a new license class, renewals or callsign changes. The fee is not applicable to any upgrades or administrative changes like address or email updates, just for new licenses, renewals or vanity callsign applications. The fee WILL NOT BE COLLECTED at the test session, but will be payable through the details you will receive in an email after your application has been submitted to the FCC. At which you will have 10 days to pay or your application will be dismissed.
If you have a Wi-Fi enabled tablet in which you would like to take your exam with - bring it. It would be good for you to try it out with a practice exam on before arriving as the interface is similar. Otherwise, you may need to take a paper exam if it doesn't work. A laptop could also be used, just bring a mouse to aid in your exam. You will need to digitally "sign" your name when you pass your exam which is why a tablet is favorable over a laptop (e.g. signing your name with your finger or stylus versus a mouse). Make sure you device is fully charged as access to a plug may not be available. PLEASE NOTE: when using a laptop or tablet you will need to show that there are no other applications running while taking your exam.