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W5YI Session

Dec 16, 2023 (Sat)
2:00-3:00pm CST
W5YIAUS: W5YI Austin
Test Fee:
502 East 11th Street, Suite 200, Austin, TX 78701
view map
W5YI Licensing Services
Slots available:
6 / 10 slots claimed
Notes from the team:

Cost is $14.00 cash or check (payable to Craig Bean). No Credit/Debit cards. ID required Copy of your current license if upgrading. Current FRN# (NO social security numbers accepted). Visit the FCC CORES website to create a new FRN #. If you have passed an exam but have not received your new or upgraded license, please have your Certificate of Successful Completion of Examination form (CSCE) with you. Elevator to the testing session on the second floor will be opened by a VE at 1:45pm. Deadline to register is 5:00pm Friday before the Saturday session.