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Promoting ☢️Radio-Activity☢️ Nationwide with Friendly, Untimed Exams!

Jun 21, 2023
11:00 AM-12:30 PM
Test Fee:
Remote session - see session notes
W5YI Licensing Services
Notes from the team:



We are anxious to administer your next exam, learn more about us on Facebook.


Thank you for choosing our exam team! We are flattered to be part of your Amateur Radio journey! Hey, we test on demand! Is there a time that will fit your busy schedule? Reach out to us so that we can hook you up with an exam that fits your busy schedule ok? Give us a shout! Call or text 509-800-7348.

This is a very simple 2-step process. Register then pay, or vise versa, just be sure to complete both steps. Really, try not to overthink this friend, as this is meant to be enjoyable!

  1. Register right here at HamStudy for your exam once we find you a convenient time. Although your phone number is optional, it helps immensely if we need to contact you about your exam. It is never shared or disseminated, promise!
  2. Follow instructions you will immediately receive by email. This email will contain all the information and links you will need. Don't forget to submit your exam fee using either the links here, or in the email you will receive.

Please check your SPAM folder for possible misdirected mail about your test session.

Important: For test session information and requirements visit, WM7X Exam Preparation. Links for paying your exam fee are located there as well. Payment must be received WITH your registration.

About 30-60 Minutes prior to your exam, you will receive an email with Zoom meeting information. Simply click on the link to join your exam.

Your exam fee is $14. Please follow links below or in the confirmation email you receive to submit your exam fee.

Pay With CashApp

Pay With Square

Pay With PayPal

Pay With Venmo

To register for this session, please email Stephen Hutchings (Stephen@WM7X.net)