W6DAS GLAARG IN-PERSON Exam Session - 4235 - 7:00 PM theBLEND Family Church
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This exam is sponsored by the Antelope Valley Amateur Radio Club and the GLAARG-VEC. Exam may be on paper or via electronic device (tablet or laptop) depending on number of examinees present.
Pre-registration is preferred, but you will be able to register using the HamStudy website when you arrive. We will collect all fees onsite.
You may either park in the round-round in front of the church, or along 17th East, or use the rear parking lot off of 17th Street East. Be aware there is an AA meeting in the south classroom, (used on Saturday sessions), so please DO NOT disturb them, but proceed to the small door on the MAIN SANCTUARY. That's where we hold Monday night sessions.
All Los Angeles County Covid-19 present or future restrictions will apply to this facility. Currently masking is required when entering this facility. If other requirements are added, they will need to be met.
Candidates please bring the following items:
A government photo ID (driver's license, military ID or passport) Bring stand-alone calculator if desired.
We may be able to provide devices to be used for testing.
Exam fees are waived for minors 18 years and under, students with a current ID, first responders, active military, veterans or GLAARG VEs upgrading to Extra. All others are $10 either cash or check on day of exam.
All classes of exams offered in this order: Technician, General, Amateur Extra. Please make sure that you study for the correct exam. Retests offered at the discretion of the Volunteer Examiners with payment of additional testing fee.
All exam communications will be sent to email used to register.
If you are under 13 years of age, you may not register for any exam session until your parent or guardian has filled out our COPPA Parental Consent Form and emailed it to coppa@examtools.org. Please send a courtesy copy to w6das@twc.com.
You will need a FRN. If you don't have one already, you be able to get one during the registration process.
If you have another unresolved pending application before the FCC, e.g. upgrade with another VEC or pending vanity call sign application, please contact us before registering for this session. Any further questions please contact w6das@twc.com