SANDARC Amateur Radio Exams, Remote Testing (Free for All!)
Wednesday, September 29th, at 4 pm PDT Online Exam
SANDARC's Volunteer Examiner Coordinator (VEC) offers free in-person and online testing for all FCC Amateur Radio licenses.
This session is a remote online exam over Zoom. You will need a camera and microphone for your exam. You can not use headphones. Select a clutter free room where you will not be interrupted.
Test for your Technician, General or Extra Class License. Multiple elements allowed. Please make sure that you have studied and you are passing practice exams with 80% or higher.
SANDARC does not charge for first time license exam, re-test nor license upgrade.
Our Volunteer Examiners are mostly San Diego hams who dedicate their time and expertise to ensure that the testing process fully complies with FCC regulations and procedures.
Zoom information in posted below, but please remember to click the orange button and register as well.
SANDARC AMATEUR RADIO EXAMS is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: SANDARC AMATEUR RADIO EXAMS Zoom Session Time: Sep 29, 2021 16:00 Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 833 4778 3324 Passcode: 457294