GLAARG 5682 Nov 21 2021 9:30 am 12:00 pm PST Waivers available - see notes.
Nov 21, 2021 (Sun)
9:30-1:30pm PST
Test Fee:
Remote session - see session notes
Slots available:
16 / 30 slots claimed
Notes from the team:
Register to take your FCC Amateur Radio exam:
- Open to any person interested in taking a US FCC Amateur Radio Exam. All license classes; Technician, General, and Amateur Extra. You can be from any state or country Be ready to pass!!
- Mulitple exams for the same fee. Please make sure you have studied well for all levels you test for. This is not a place to “try”, we have many candidates waiting.
Computer and Environment Reguirements:
- We prefer you have a working, charged, laptop or desktop computer with sound and video. (Mac or Windows preferred). If you only have a tablet, please contact us.
- You may use a phone or tablet as a secondary device to show the room around you and to share your ID. (Some camera’s on older computers, have too poor of quality to read
- You MUST have a stable internet connection, web camera, and sound. Able to access a modern web browser. Chrome Safari Firefox etc.
- Please become familiar with using the Zoom application menu and options. Make sure you have the latest version of the ZOOM APP working on your device and that you know how to set up your preferences, especially your screen name. (It should be the PIN you will receive after your register, your first and last name and what you are testing for. (T for tech, G for general, E for extra. if more than one – TGE, or TG or GE etc.)
- Have a testing environment that helps you focus on taking your exam. It should be clear of study materials and clutter.
- You need a place that you will be “alone” and not interrupted by people or pets or noise. Preferably a single room rather than the “center of the house”. (Some great examples include: a porch, bathroom, patio, a spare bedrooom and others. Be Creative!!!)
- IF under the age of 13, please fill out the COPPA form and email to and CC
- GLAARG Remote Exam Fees $10.
- If you qualify for your fee to be waived for full-time students, minors, active military, vets, first responders and GLAARG VEs upgrading to Extra
- Please email
- A week before your exam, you will invoiced via PayPal to the email you use to register. It is due on receipt! Please pay to insure your place on the manifest.
- If you don’t receive an invoice a few days before your exam schedule, CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER
- You will receive detailed instructions along with validation of the information you registered with a few days before your session. Again if you don’t get it CHECK YOUR SPAM.
- NOTIFY WITH ANYTHING YOU ARE CONCERNED ABOUT. We will do everything we can to make a comfortable and assure you that you CAN DO IT!!