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*AVAILABLE SLOTS* PARC - REMOTE Online Testing Session - KJ4PJE - (If FULL, contact us to add a slot) - KJ4PJE

Aug 31, 2020 (Mon)
7:00-7:30am CDT
Test Fee:
Remote session - see session notes
American Radio Relay League (ARRL-VEC)
Slots available:
1 / 1 slots claimed
Notes from the team:

NOTICE: DO NOT REGISTER BEFORE CONTACTING US BY EMAIL VETESTING@YAHOO.COM. Before registering for this session please go to PARCRADIO.ORG and read the rules and pay for the session before registering here for this session. If you are not able to get in this session please email us using the contact us portion of our website and we will work with you, to help you out the best we can. IF THE SESSION IS FULL - DO NOT PAY FOR A SESSION UNTIL WE GIVE YOU A REGISTRATION LINK!

IF FULL - CONTACT US: We usually have additional slots that are not published. Email us with the hours you are available and we will send you a link to a session registration. vetesting@yahoo.com IF THE SESSION IS FULL - DO NOT PAY FOR A SESSION UNTIL WE GIVE YOU A REGISTRATION LINK!

WARNING: If you register and do not pay. Your exam will be canceled without any notice. You must be paid, when you register! YOU MUST INCLUDE BOTH A PHONE NUMBER AND EMAIL IN YOUR REGISTRATION!!!

MULTIPLE REGISTRATIONS NOT ALLOWED Please do not register for multiple exam sessions (with ours or other VE teams) with the intention of missing later sessions once you pass at an earlier session: By doing so you are denying other candidates the opportunity to register and generating extra work and lost time for the VEs. Once you register, the VE team will do work for your exam, preparing for it. There cannot be any refunds after registration because services have been rendered and you agree to not request a refund and agree that these services have been rendered. ALL EXAM TEAMS DO COMMUNICATE! If you are banned from one team, you will not be able to take online exams with any team.

EMAIL COMMUNICATIONS: Our email is not monitored on a continual basis. It is a group email managed by several volunteers. We give exams during the day and respond to the emails at the end of the days sessions. We do receive a lot of emails. So, if your email is related to an exam today, you will need to put, "TODAY" at the beginning of the subject line. Do not abuse this or you will be blocked and put into spam.

LATE REGISTRATIONS: If you register for an exam on the same day without communicating with us first, your exam may need to be rescheduled. There is no guarantee that we will see your registration before the time slot occurs. We do make every attempt to accommodate everyone, but there are no assurances on the day of the exam. There may be extra steps required for a same day exam.

BY REGISTERING, YOU AGREE TO NO REFUNDS: Once you register, the VE team will do work for your exam, preparing for it. There cannot be any refunds after registration because services have been rendered and you agree to not request a refund and agree that these services have been rendered. You understand that any failure to attend the exam, insufficient bandwidth, failure to prepare, or any other reason will result in a forfeiture of the exam fee as services have been rendered regardless of whether you take the exam, complete the exam, or pass the exam. If there is a network outage affecting the VE team, we will reschedule you for a future time without any additional fee.


This session is full!